Turkish Language Courses, Jobs, Benefits, Career & Scope

Turkish Language Course, History, Jobs, Benefits, Career & Scope in Pakistan And Abroad  
Turkey is a great Muslim country with a very rich history. Pakistani Muslims have very close realtions with Turkish people. We love and respect Turkish nation and their country. Turkish people have the same emotions for us. Muslims of Indo Pak launched the biggest political movement of history for the protection of Turkery after first world war in 1919. This movement is known as Khilafat movement in history. Ottoman Caliphate was very sacred for Muslims of Subcontinent. They sacrified their lives and money for its protection. Thousands of Muslims migrated to Afghanistan and thousands of them were killed by British army during Moplah revolt in 1921. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar was the leader of Khilafat movement.
Turkish Language Courses, Jobs, Benefits, Career & Scope

Turkish Language Courses, Jobs, Benefits, Career & Scope

Urdu is also a word of Turkish language. There are many other similar words in Urdu and Turkish languages. Turkish language is spoken in following countries of the world;
Cyprus specially in Northern Cyprus
Republic of Macedonia
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Turkey is member of NATO too. It is the strongest Muslim country. Its a doorway to Europe, Turkish economy is also very strong. Turkey has the best educational institutes. If you want to get education in Turkey or want to get job in this great country or any other Turkish speaking country then you must learn Turkish language. Researchers who want to do research on Islamic /Turkish history, culture or Islam must also learn this great language. World even Arab Muslims can not understand the deepness our relations with Turkey. Traders who want to do business with the business firms and industries of Turkey should also learn language of emerging Muslim super power. Pakistan and Turkey has launched a joint TV channel too. Turkish dramas and movies are very popular in Pakistan. Mera Sultan was the most popular Turkish drama in Pakistan. Entertainment industry needs the services of experts of this language for dubbing.

Turkish Language Course
Turkish is taught in Pakistan at graduation level but very rare colleges offer this subjects to BA students. There is a great scope for experts of this language in Pakistan. NUML is offering certificate, diploma and Master program in Turkish language and literature. Many other private institutes are also offering short courses but we shall recommend you to prefer NUML on all private institutes as it has a great repute within Pakistan and abroad. Second recommended university for you is PU oriental learning department. PU Institute of Languages offers diploma course in Turkish language. Students of Karachi can get admission in All Pakistan National Academy (APNA) for short courses.

Benefits, Jobs Career & Scope
1-Turkey offers many study scholarships for Pakistani students and a students who can speak and write Turkish language will be preferred for such scholarships.

2-You can get job in all Turkish speaking countries.

3-Entertainment and media industry in Pakistan is also looking for local experts of Turkish language.

4-There is great room for you in academia too.

5-You can work as interpreter or translator in import export firms, media industry and foreign office.

6-You may also start your own language academy.

7-Turkey companies are investing a huge money in Pakistan and they also need the services of local interpreters.

8-You may write articles for websites and newspapers of Turkey as a freelancer.

9-NGOs may also offer you job.

10-You may start your own consultancy firm for study in Turkey.

For a bright career in this field you will have to develop study habit. Take deep interest in learning the language and do maximum practice. Remember that we are always here to guide you. So never hesitate in asking questions through contact us form of studysolutions.pk.