Basically i belonged to Gujrat and from my childhood i have been listening the word jugni. All of us have listen various songs about Jugni but no body knows exactly that what is Jugni. I asked several learned people about the meaning of jugni but nobody could tell me the exact meaning of jugni. A friend of mine said that it may be some sacred word as Arif Lohar and his father Alam Lohar has used this word in their mystic songs.
Couple of days before i read a mind blowing Urdu column of Javed Chaudhry about the meaning of Jugni and i can not express my inner feeling when i came to know the exact meaning of jugni. The basic theme of Javed Chaudry column is also very impressive but he unveiled the jugni word which embarrassed me a lot as Arif Lohar and his father Alam Lohar used to connect this word with some very important sacred personalities which was a shameful act.
History of Arif Lohar Jugni
According to Javed Chauhry in 1887 was the golden Jubilee year of Queen Victoria’s regime. And to celebrate the golden jubilee of Queen Victoria’s regime a Jubilee torch (just like Olympic torch) was prepared and this torch was brought in all the countries ruled by Queen Victoria including India. Jubilee torch was received with great pomp and show in every district of India.
When the torch arrived in Punjab, the government of Punjab prepared a special song to welcome this torch. Two brothers from district of Kasur sang this song. Both of them were illiterate and their pronunciation was very poor. They could not speak the word jubilee so they called it jugni. This is the shameful history of word jugni. Javed Chaudhry writes columns in daily Express which is one of the leading news paper of Pakistan. You can read the Javed Chaudhry column in Urdu below this post. Stay in touch with us and our website for best collection of Javed Chaudhry columns.