Hundreds of Jobs in UAE & Saudi Arabia 2015

Here below in this page you can see several ads about hundreds of jobs in U.A.E, Saudi Arabia and other Middle East Countries. These ads have been taken from daily express. You can apply for any job of your choice. Contact the recruiting agencies within the due dates with all your educational documents, resumes and recent colored photographs. Almost all the jobs are with free medical, insurance, transport and residence facility. Other benefits will be given according to the labor laws of Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. But we still advice you to consult a lawyer before signing any agreement.

Kindly before applying for any job verify the authenticity and lenience number of the recruiting agency. Also get all necessary information about the employer company from labor department of the concerned country. All of these jobs are on contractual basis But contract is extendable. You will be issued a company visa.  Some companies will also provide you free training before joining the job. Saudi Arabia has made its immigration laws very strict and now its very difficult for you to get an open visa, so the only choice is company visa but select the company wisely as you can not leave or change a company before the end of agreement. Try to avoid paying any thing before visa confirmation. Reputed companies don’t demand money for arranging visa. We will try to update this page frequently to facilitate you in searching the job of your choice.  Stay in touch with us for latest job alerts. Wish you best of luck. YHou may also like to read our following posts on the same topic.

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Hundreds of Jobs in UAE & Saudi Arabia 2015

Hundreds of Jobs in UAE & Saudi Arabia 2015








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