How To Succeed in Career (In English & Urdu)

Secret of Success in Career
Every one want to succeed in career but all of us know that very limited number of people can get in career what they want. The difference between a successful person and failed one is of ignorance. Yes, because a successful person recognizes his real potential and he chose a profession as per his God gifted abilities. Every one of us has been gifted by some unique talent but we fail to discover it or we chose any other profession in spite of knowing our hidden talent in some other field. Passion, devotion love for work are pre requisites of success in any field and man can work devotedly only in the field of his interest or talent. Do you know that we spend 90,000 hours at work after completion of education till 65 year of age. Would you like to spend this time on a work which you do not like. Extraordinary success demands extraordinary hard work and can you do this in a field which is against your aptitude. Certainly not, so how you can succeed in life with this wrong decision.

Edison, who invented more than 1000 useful inventions used to said that he never worked in his whole life. Science was his passion and he never take his work as a 5 to 9 job. That’s why he became the greatest scientist of modern era. Great Chinese scholar Confucius said” If you will chose the career of your choice, you will not have to work even for one day in your whole career”.

So if you have urge to excel in life then discover and explore your hidden natural talent first and then chose this field for your studies and career destination. In our society students prefer to go for popular fields like engineering, medical or business administration. Our parents and teachers also teach us to remain in comfort zone. We too do not take risks due to fear of failure thus spend a boring and failed life. Its not obligatory for you to chose the subjects which your friends have chosen. You are also not bound to go for limited popular professions.

Remember that the process of exploring your self is a continuous process so do not be rigid about your career. For example if you have completed your education in any specific field even then its not compulsory for you to stick with that field. Don not become copy cat as you have been gifted unique personality and talent.

If you have passion for any subject or field then go for it regardless of its scope. Talent makes its ways its self. Your passion will distinguish you in that field. You will work hard and try to explore your talent and abilities and give 100% performance. Passion makes you life long learner. In today’s world just university degree is not enough for a successful career. You need to aware of latest developments in your field. No every one needs to learn new skills and knowledge through out his career and only that person can continue the learning process through out his life who love his work.

So try to discover the field which you like and in which you have natural hidden talent. Einstein’s law of relativity will help you in this regard. So kindly build your personality as per your potential otherwise you not only ruin your life but also deprive the society from a beautiful gift. If you have chosen a wrong profession and do not have courage to change your line then try develop your interest in your field although its a hard task to do but you can do it by programming your mind with the help of self suggestions. Try to find out some points of your interest in your field too. The main idea of this article has been taken from Atif Mirza’s article which was published in daily Express. You can read his article about how to succeed in career in Urdu below this post. You may also like our article “How to succeed in practical life (Career).” Stay in touch with us for guidance about career building.


How To Succeed in Career (In English & Urdu)


How To Succeed in Career (In English & Urdu)
Daily Express


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