Career as Emergency Medical Technician, Rescue 1122 EMT Job Description, Eligibility, Tips

What is EMT in Rescue 1122? Required Skills For Emergency Medical Technician Jobs in Pakistan, Employment Areas, Super Tips, Scale, Requirements & Recruitment Procedure
Are you interested in emergency medical technician jobs and want to get all the information about EMT jobs in Pakistan. If yes then know you are at right platform as we are going the discuss career prospects as EMT on this page of Lets explore its all aspects in detail;



Emergency Medical Technician Job Description

Emergency Medical Technician, also known as an EMT, is a health professional who provides medical assistance and transport to patients in emergency situations. An EMT’s job description includes responding to medical emergency calls on 1122, providing first aid & CPR, transporting patients to the emergencies of hospitals & administering basic medical care and as such, they play a vital role in the healthcare system. An EMT is a first responder who provides medical attention and assistance to those who require it. The job of an EMT is both demanding as well as rewarding.


Rescue 1122 Jobs

Career as Emergency Medical Technician, Rescue 1122 EMT Job Description, Eligibility, Tips


EMTs are trained to assess a patient’s condition and provide appropriate care, which may include administering CPR or first aid, checking sugar & BP level, using a defibrillator, or providing oxygen therapy. In some cases, EMTs may also transport serious patients to nearest hospital for further treatment.



EMT in Rescue 1122

In addition to working in traditional ambulance services, EMTs are also recruited for rescue 1122. Rescue 1122 EMTs are equipped with emergency first aid equipment like pulse oximeter, trauma handling kit, survical collar, gluco-meter, mini oxygen cylinder, BP apparatus, pain killers and burns handling kit.



Career as Emergency Medical Technician, Rescue 1122 EMT Job Description, Eligibility, Tips


In rescue 1122 EMT are given bps 11. Required age limit is 20 to 30 years. Candidates should have nursing or paramedical diploma from a recognized institute. Usually Pakistan Testing Service PTS conducts the written test for EMT Jobs in rescue 1122. EMTs are also recruited for rescue 1122 free motor bike ambulance service. This service was launched to provide ambulance services in crowded areas.



Skills Required in An Emergency Medical Technician

An Emergency Medical Technician must be able to perform CPR and operate a defibrillator. They must also be able to assess a patient’s condition and make decisions about their care. An EMT must be able to remain calm in stressful situations and be able to think clearly and quickly.



The job of an Emergency Medical Technician is both physically and emotionally demanding. An EMT must be able to lift and carry patients, as well as be able to handle the stress of seeing patients in potentially life-threatening situations.



Rescue 1122 EMT Jobs Recruitment Process

To be eligible for EMT jobs in rescue 1122, you must pass a written and practical examination by PTS and complete a training program after selection.



EMTs Employment Areas

Emergency Medical Technicians are employed by hospitals, private ambulance companies and fire departments. They may also be employed by industrial plants and other businesses that have a need for on-site medical personnel.



Job Opportunities

Emergency Medical Technician job opportunities will continue to be good as the population continues to grow and age. Many EMTs find employment in the private sector, working for ambulance companies or hospitals. Others find work with the government, working for fire departments or as part of disaster relief teams.



Super Tips

The tips for getting an EMT job include having a clean criminal record, being in good physical shape and having the ability to stay calm in stressful situations.



There are a few things that you can do to increase your chances of getting a job as an Emergency Medical Technician. First, make sure that you have completed a certified training program i.e nursing program or paramedical diploma. Second, take the time to research different employers and learn about their specific hiring requirements. Finally, consider obtaining additional certification, such as a CPR certification, which will make you more appealing to potential employers.




Overall becoming an emergency medical technician is a great career choice for those interested in helping others in a time of need. EMTs are an important part of the emergency response team & play a vital role in saving lives. The job is both challenging and rewarding and offers a good salary and benefits package. To be an EMT you must have strong physical and mental skills & be able to handle intense situations. If you are interested in a career in emergency medicine then becoming an emergency medical technician in rescue 1122 is a great place to start.



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