Career & Scope of Forestry – Jobs, Definition & Nature of Work

Forestry – Jobs, Introduction, Job Specifications, Job Types, Employment Areas, Career & Scope in Pakistan And Abroad   

As per international standard a country more than 25 area of a country should be covered with forests, Unfortunately less than 4% area of Pakistan is covered with forests. This area is also reducing very quickly due to deforestation, over population, energy crisis and urbanization. We need to protect our forests and wild life to save our atmosphere.

Career & Scope of Forestry - Jobs, Definition & Nature of Work

Career & Scope of Forestry- Jobs, Definition & Nature of Work

Forestry – Definition & Introduction
Forests play important role in the progress of a country. They are the source of wood, energy, industrial raw products, fruits, honey, medicinal plants, livestock, energy, oxygen, water and even minerals. Forestry is branch of agricultural and biology science about planting, managing and protecting the forests. Human activities have become great danger for forests and there is a need of spreading awareness among masses and students about the protection of forests and wild life. We are disturbing the natural balance by cutting the trees. Many species of plants and animals are facing the challenge of their existence on earth. Its the right time to study forestry to guide the masses and to take precautionary steps to save the balance of nature on our planet.

WWF and Green Peace are two famous international NGO’s which are working voluntarily in this field. You study forestry or not but you must become the volunteers of these organizations. Believe me that it will also add a star in your personal profile too. Forestry is a field for nature and human lovers. This field will give you a positive aim in life. Your profession will become your prayer or holy duty, Its a profession with a future too. There is great need of professional foresters all over the world. They are given special allowances for working in the field away from their homes. National polices are made on the basis of their reports. A person seeking a mission in life must consider this option as it will not only give you job satisfaction but also guarantee about your future career.

Forestry – Nature of Work
1-A forester take care of forests in his territorial jurisdiction.

2-He grows and protects new plants in forest to reduce the effects of deforestation

3-He grows new artificial forests to increase the green area of his country.

4-Foresters try to recreational and economic values of forests.

5-They make plans to reduce the losses dues to diseases, insects, and wildfires.

6-They monitor the plantation campaigns in forests.

7-They remove the harmful herbs and shrubs from forest under their control.

8-They coordinate with non governmental organizations.

9-They assist the researchers in their work for analyzing the effects of forest conditions on tree growth rates, tree species prevalence, yield, life duration, seed production, growth viability & seed germination of different species of plants.

10-They monitor the environmental and natural equilibrium in forest.

11-They try to save the wild life in forests.

Forestry- Jobs, Benefits, Career & Scope
Forestry – Employment Areas
A forester can find job in following areas.
Forest Department
Wildlife Department
Universities & Colleges
International Organisations like WWF and Green Peace
National Parks
Safari Parks
Man-Made Forests
Research Organisations
Agricultural Corporations
Artificial Forest
Botanical Gardens
Industries Related To Fertilizers & Pesticides
Nurseries, Farm Houses and Agricultural Farms

Forestry – Job Types
A person with a graduate degree in forestry can get following jobs.
Forest Officer
Zoo Curator
Research Fellow
NGO Activist
Wildlife Photographer
Media Worker or Photographer
Public Servant
Administrator of Zoo, Safari and National Parks
Wildlife Expert

Forestry – Personal Attributes
If you want to succeed in the field of forestry then you must have following skills.
1-You must have interest in Biology, Ecology, Agriculture,  Horticulture and nature.

2-Its a research oriented field for individuals who love to conduct research.

3-You need to be observant and vigilant through out your career.

4-A person with strong administrative communication and analytical skills can succeed in this profession very easily.

5-Its a field for innovative, mentally strong and nature loving individuals.

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