Electronic Engineering Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Required Skills & Job Types

Electronics Engineering Introduction, Jobs, Required Abilities, Nature of Work, Career & Scope in Pakistan & Abroad  

Electronics or electronic engineering is one of the most popular engineering disciplines. Electronic engineering is all about electronic circuits, electrons and systems. In this field you will study the behavior and effects of electrons for designing and developing electrical equipment, systems and devices like capacitors, semiconductor devices, diodes, resistors integrated circuits, electron tubes and transistors. You will work as an research scientist and production supervisor in the field.


Electronic Engineering Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Required Skills & Job Types

Electronic Engineering Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Required Skills & Job Types

Electronic Engineering Jobs, Career & Scope
Here is the list of some most important employment areas for you.
Defence Industries
Medical instruments
Power generation industry
Rail industry
Utilities industry
Cell phones
Nanotechnology field
Radio and TV
Signal processing
Construction industry
Electronics engineering industry
Fast moving consumer goods industry
Telecommunications field
Satellite communication
Robotics field
Research organizations
Marine industry
Oil and gas industry
Pharmaceuticals industry
Aerospace industry
Engineering Journals
Automotive industry

This engineering discipline has close relation with following fields.
Control Engineering
Telecommunications engineering
Signal processing
Instrumentation engineering
Satellite communication
Computer engineering
Electrical engineering
Instrumentation engineering
You must remain in touch with latest advancement in all these areas during your whole career.

Nature of Work
1-They discuss proposals with clients and their colleagues.
2-Electronics engineer designs new systems, circuits, devices and equipment,
3-They also work on developing existing technologies in the industry.
4-In research labs they test new theoretical designs and ideas.
5-They try to develop user-friendly interfaces for different devices and equipment
6-Being member of management they supervise technicians and junior engineers.
7-They write specifications and technical reports about different kinds of electrical equipment, circuits, systems and devices.
8-They work as research scientist in high tech labs.
9-Preside the meeting related to new projects.
10-Work on new projects and prepare budgets for such projects.
11-Remain in touch with the new development in their field.
12-Ensure safety in electronics engineering industry.
13-Improve the design the existing electronic devices.

Qualities Required
Deep interest in Physics
Innovative and research minded approach
Ability to solve problems
good oral & written communication skills
Analytical and logical approach
Natural talent or interest in the field of electronic engineering
Urge to excel in career
Interest in experimentation

I will again like to suggest you never run after so called scope of any any engineering field. If you want to lead a successful life then go for field of your interest and natural talent only. Myth of scope is 100% wrong. One of my student who could not get admission in BE, got admission in DAE in spite of opposition from his family, as DAE is considered equivalent to FSc Pre Engineering, but later on due to his good grades in DAE, he got admission in B.Tech and now he is getting 6 figure monthly salary just after 5 years experience. You must also listen the voice of your inner-self rather than running after fields with so called great scope.
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