Career & Scope of Supply Chain Management (SCM), Core Topics, Tips & Courses


Supply Chain Management (SCM) Jobs, Core Topics/Subjects, Super Tips, Courses, Career & Scope in Pakistan And Abroad 

Supply Chain Management is one of the most popular and important field of management sciences. Its a field which deals with the moving of a product from producer to customer. Its a complex chain which starts from production and ends on disbursement. Following processes are involved in SCM
Purchasing of raw material
Converting the raw material into finish one
Quality assurance
Warehousing of finished product
Customer service
Demand planning
Supply planning
Supply Chain management

Career & Scope of Supply Chain Management (SCM), Core Topics, Tips & Courses

Career & Scope of Supply Chain Management (SCM) or MBA Supply Chain Management Core Topics, Tips & Courses

SCM expert can get job in all above mentioned areas. Its seems that SCM is a very simple field, but in real life its the most difficult field of management science which involves the all above mentioned processes. Its much wider field than simple marketing. Due to complex nature of this field very few students opt this field. I admit that its a complex but at the same time its most rewarding management field.

MBA Supply Chain Management Jobs, Career Scope & Super Tips
1-Its field for hardworking and innovative individuals.

2-This field can help you a lot in launching your own business later on after getting some experience in the field.

3-No reputed company allows his SCM employees to leave the company. They are given extra annual increment than the other regular employees.

4-Its a one and only field of management science, where you can get experience from production to marketing.

5-A person who have great dreams in life must study supply chain management.

6-If your specialization in MBA was not SCM, still you must get Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in SCM. It will help you a lot in your future career.

7-If you have interest in this field then even a Post Graduate Diploma is enough for you for a successful career, but stay in touch with the changing trends and researches.

8-Never change your organiation at least before 2 years in spite of getting better offer from any other company. This practice will make your profile more attractive for your future employers.

9-You must have dream in life to become an entrepreneur, so plan your career from very beginning. Make your short term and long term plans. You must take deep interest in all the fields of SCM. It will make you a multidimensional employee.

10-A graduate in SCM can get job in almost all sections of different industries, but you will not be given a desk job at least in your initial career or without having postgraduate degree.

11-Take SCM as your passion in life at least in first decade of your professional career. It will help you in understanding all the aspects of this great field.

12-Never share your future plans with any one till the final success.

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Jobs, Core Topics/Subjects, Super Tips, Courses, Career & Scope in Pakistan And Abroad

Core Topics or Subjects in MBA Supply Chain Management
Following core topics are taught in MSc, MS, PGD or MBA Supply Chain Management.
Managing Supply Chains
Supply Chain Modeling
Purchasing and Sourcing Management
Customer Relationship Management
Project Management
Risk Management
Warehouse Management
Supply Chain Finance
Quality Assurance in SCM
Supply Chain Strategies
Research Methodologies
Operational Accounting
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Forecasting in Supply Chain
Logistics Management

Certificate Course
One Year Diploma
Associate Degree in SCM
MSc in SCM
Executive MBA
MBA Supply Chain Management
MS/M.Phil in SCM
MBA Supply Chain Management is the most recommended degree due to its great scope and demand in local & international job markets.
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