Adnan Ashraf advocate wrote a thought provoking column in daily express today about our education system. We are going to highlight some important points from his column in this article.
According to him government has decided to double the education budget of Pakistan from 1.8 &% to 4 percent. European Union , USA and UNO are going to provide 100 millions , 140 millions and 15o millions dollars grant respectively to Pakistan  to promote education in the country. Increasing the education budget is a good step in the right direction but their is need to take some revolutionary steps to bring positive changes in our education system. There is need to point out the ghost schools. Teachers of these ghost schools are receiving their salaries regularly but these schools can be seen only on papers. Influential people have captured the buildings of these schools and turned them into their stables. Teachers of government schools are also given many public duties and tasks due to which they cannot teach their classes regularly and private schools are taking benefit of miserable conditions of government schools.

In spite of serving the cause of education these private schools are exploiting the parents. There is no proper check and balance system to monitor private schools. These schools are being run as business. In spite of taking heavy fees these schools are not providing quality education and facilities to the students. These school recruit untrained teachers and give them extremely low salaries. These private institutes even don’t follow the rules and regulations of education department. There is no any regulatory body to address the grievances of victims of these private institutes. The syllabus , standard, fees and even boards of these schools are different from government schools due to which dual education system has developed in our country.
On the other hand only a matriculate person was appointed as education minister during the last regime of last government. PEC could not announced the result of 5th and 8th class in time and when announced the result, there were unlimited mistakes in the result. Post office scandal about CSS papers also raised many questions about our educational system. HEC, which was the best institution of Pakistan is also going to be dissolved. If government is serious for promoting education in the country, then it should took radical steps as just by increasing education budget, we cannot change our education system. You can read the column of Adnan Ashraf advocate in Urdu below this post.

Our Education System

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