Miracles of 5G Mobile Technology – Features & Benefits

Introduction, Features And Benefits of 5G
Scientists at University of Surrey have successfully achieved  5G speed of 1Tbps in lab test. Its the fastest speed scientists have ever experienced. It is now expected that whole scenario of mobile internet will change in near future. Professor Rahim Tafazolli and his team have achieved this milestone first time in the history of mobile internet. With the help of 5G mobile technology, 100 time more data than a feature film can be transferred from one mobile to other maximum in 3 seconds. This speed is 65000 time greater than 4G. Earlier Samsung has successfully tested to download 7.5 GB data in one second but this speed is about 1 percent of the speed that  University of Surrey’s scientists have achieved. First of all, 5G mobile technology will be tested in out of the lab atmosphere and in 2018 it will be available for general public. Current applications will not be compatible with 5G technology. Soon the time will come when 3G and 4G technologies will become outdated and 5G will rule the world almost for 2 decades due its extraordinary high speed.

Expected Miracles of 5G
It is really hard for me to draw the real picture of the changes that 5G mobile technology will bring in our life, Here are some expected changes.
1-Technology revolution.

2-E-Education will become common.

3-Downloading will become easier like pushing a button.

4-Easy and fast video conferencing.

5-Live streaming without any disruption.

6-Boom in world economy.

7-Millions of new job opportunities will have available after 2020.

8-Global per capita income will raise.

9-Video calls will become more clear.

10-3G and 4G rates will decrease dramatically.

11-New era of internet will start.

12-Boom in e -commerce.

13-E-governance, e-learning and e-health  will become very easy.

14-Online interviews will be conducted of job seekers.

15-Sharing heavy files will be more easier than past.

16-Global literacy rate will increase a lot.

17-Revolution in industry and trade.

18-Data transfer spreed will be surprising for you.

19-Medical specialists will be able to monitor a surgery from a distance.

20Tourism industry will also flourish a lot to due easy access to maps, weather conditions and and traveling reports.

21-End of laptops and note books  .

22-Our world ill really become a global village.

5G Mobile Technology In Pakistan
Hopefully the 5G technology will be launched commercially in 2020 in UK and in Pakistan we may have to wait almost for a decade to enjoy this wonderful technology. You can read the details about Miracles of 5G mobile technology in Urdu in the newspaper ad cuttings below this post. Visit the fastest growing technology website and its facebook page daily.

Miracles of 5G Mobile Technology Features & Benefits

Introduction Latest Research And Uses of 5G