PMDC Exam For Foreign Graduates NEB 2024 Syllabus & Paper Format

Pakistan Medical & Dental Council PM&DC Test For Foreign Graduates NEB 2024 Syllabus, Tips & Paper Pattern
PMDC NEB exam is mandatory for those students who have got any foreign foreign degree in medicine and dentistry. This test is taken to judge the professional competency of a foreign medical degree holders i.e basic qualification and post graduation qualification. MBBS and BDS degree holders from China and other countries have to appear in PM&DC NEB exam for the getting themselves registered with PM&DC otherwise they will not be allowed to practice in Pakistan.


Generally it is believed that clearing the PMDC NEB exam is a hard task. But it is a 100% wrong perception as students who follow and understand the paper format/pattern and prepare the announced syllabus, can get through this exam easily.


Pakistan Medical and Dental Council has announced the PMDC exam for foreign graduates NEB 2024 syllabus & Paper Format. We have uploaded it on this page. Prepare your self in accordance with the announced paper pattern and syllabus for success. Here i want to make it clear that this test is difficult only for those people who think one time study is enough for a medical graduate. In this field learning is a life long process. Students committed with their profession can easily clear this exam.


PMDC NEB Exam Medical Format

PMDC Exam For Foreign Graduates NEB 2024 Syllabus & Paper Format

Only those students can appear in this test who had got NOC from PM & DC before joining their foreign medical school. Eligibility certificate is also required. Basics of medical field are similar in all over the world. If you have understood the basic concepts of your field then be relax and concentrate on the announced paper pattern and syllabus. It will help you a lot in test preparation. So do not waste any  more time and prepare the syllabus and familiarize yourself with paper pattern and format. Do not learn by heart any topic. If your some concepts are not clear try to understand them. Internet is your best guide if you use if positively. We wish you best of luck in advance. Stay in touch with us and our facebook page/group for latest alerts about PMDC NEB test 2024.

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