Sure Shot Prize Bond Guess Paper – The Winning Formula

Prize Bond Guess Paper 2019
Almost everybody in Pakistan buy prize bonds and want to get first prize. Many people buy prize bond guess paper for this purpose. But end result is always zero. Have you ever think why this happen. The reason is very crystal clear but we do not even try to think over it. We want to become rich over night and this lust does not allow us to use our mind. There is not a single baba in the world who can give you sure shot prize bond guess paper. Islam clearly says that no one can see in future.

Formulas For Knowing Prize Bond Guess Paper

Different astrologists have developed different formulas. Some astrologists say that add the starting and ending date of your star for example see the table given below the Aries start starts from 20th March and ends on 20th April and if your date of birth is 7 April then you can get your lucky number through following formula.

20+3(third month)+20+4(April fourth month)+7 =54

ARIES (March 20 – April 20)
TAURUS (April 20 – May 21)
GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
LEO (July 22 – August 23)
VIRGO (August 23 – September 23)
LIBRA (September 23 – October 23)
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 22)
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 20)
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
PISCES (February 18 – March 20)

Prize Bond Guess Paper

Sure Shot Prize Bond Guess Paper – The Winning Formula

Some people say that the day and month when you buy the prize bond should be present in the end of your prize bond number. Some says that lucky number of your star is very important in this regard. There is also another hypothesis that your date of birth plays an important role for this purpose. Some so called “babas” say that by prize bond on Wednesday and never buy them on Tuesday. Some says that instead of buying full series of bonds just buy one bond of higher amount as little prizes can not change your life and try different formulas in every draw. Some use Ism e Azam for this purpose, You can know your Ism e Azam from the link given below. They recommend the to consider the numbers of your name and ism e azam. You can use any of the above mentioned formula but do not recommend any of them

Click Here to Know Your Ism e Azam

However there are some ways through which we can increase our income, it may be through prize bonds or any other way. Formula is very simple i.e change your attitude towards people. Try to help every one. Leave loser mentality and increase your trust in your Allah and fate. A people with loser mentality fails in every field of life. Do not be greedy. Never depend a lot on prize bonds. Concentrate on your work more as hard work and luck both are necessary for success in life.

Some Muslim scholars are against such prizes, so these are if not “Haram” then at least are suspicious. If you are lucky then you can earn money from your business and without relying on prize bonds too. Positively use your mind and discover your in built talent and try to work in that field with full devotion. Never pay money for getting prize bond guess paper. If any one can give sure shot prize bond guess then why he/she do not buy the bond for his self. Why such people beg little amount of money from other for providing them sure shot prize bond guess paper. These people are just making you fool now its up to you to become their victim or trust on your talent and fate.Just use your common sense. May Almighty Allah show us the right path. Ameen.



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