How To Learn Web Development ?

How To Become a Webmaster ?
Web development was considered a tough subject in past. Students had to learn HTMl, CSS and at least one programming language for becoming a webmaster but now a days web development has become very easy due to wordpress. You can build a website without having any knowledge of web development. A lay man can learn web development on wordpress within a month. But for earning money through websites you also need to learn techniques of search engine optimization. After mastering the wordpress you can start your own web development business.

You can also make your own websites and can earn unlimited money through them. is the best website for learning the web development through wordpress. Syed Balkhi a Pakistan national American is the editor of this website. His website is very helpful for those who want to learn web development through word press. I am thankful to him as i have to learnt a lot from his website. You can also make free wordpress website on But it will not help you for earning money through Google adsense. As Google adsense is the most popular advertiser on intenet. But for selling services this platform can be used in initial stages. Many institutes also teach web development through wordpress.

How To Learn Web Development

How To Learn Web Development ?


In Lahore too many institutes are offering wordpress and seo courses. You can build any type of website on wordpress. So if you want to become a webmaster without learning any kind of programming then try to learn wordpress and seo. But one other thing is also very important i.e creative writing skill, as you need to produce quality content on your website for attracting the visitors. But if you can afford then you can hire a writer too. If you have creative writing skill then you must learn web development through wordpress as being an online writer you can earn more money and fame.

How To Learn Web Development


How to Become A Web Developer 

Many writers are selling their articles to different websites and earning limited amount of money. If they launch their own website, they can earn lot more money. Word press and SEO are as easy as ABC if some one teach you sincerely. Serious students can learn HTML, CSS, PHP/ASP.NET too later on for becoming a professional web developer. Remember that in the field of web development skill matters more than degree. I personally knows many persons who do not have any professional degree but are earning more money than software engineers just due to their skill.

You do not need to get a software engineering degree for becoming a successful webmaster or blogger. First learn word press and seo and then master CSS, HTML and PHP. As you know basically i am a lawyer, journalist and writer that/s why i am too following this path. Learning CSS, HTML and PHP are not necessary for every one but those who want to become a professional software engineer should go for these courses. For simple web development just learning WordPress and SEO is enough. I am again ensuring you that you can master both of these in just one month. Stay in touch with us for career guidance.


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