Current Affairs – Mystery of Malaysian Plane

Whole world has failed to solve the mystery of lost Malaysian planes. 42 ships and 34 planes are trying there best to find the wreckage of lost plane. Instead of air and under water search there is no positive result. Scientists think that it is the second most mysterious incident of this century till now. Some people have also consulted with magicians and fortune tellers but all of them failed to predict any thing about the lost airplanes. According to Wall Street Journal airplane continued to travel even after four hours of its take off but Malaysian authorities has denied it. Figure of 7 was  very important in the incident of  first Malaysian lost plane which was lost on 7th of March, flight number was 370, airplane was flying at the height of 37000 feet and plane covered the distance of 3700 kilometers.

Many hypothesis and rumors are wondering  about the Malaysian plane such as some people say that Malaysian Army had hit the airplane with missile as it had changed its route. Some people are saying that alien had hijacked the planes. There are some super natural forces in our universe who were involved in this mystery. Cell phones of passengers are still on but nobody is receiving the incoming calls.

Some people are blaming China, USA and North Korea for the hijacking of this plane. Some are connecting this incidents with some other mysteries of planes  which were happened in Bermuda triangle. We cannot rule out the possibility  terrorist’s involvement behind this incident but then the question arise that where is the wreckage of airplane and if hijackers have hijacked the Malaysian plane then why they are not presenting their demands and where is the plane?  All the modern technologies have failed to resolve these mysteries till now. We hope that soon this mystery will be solved and we also pray for the safety of the passengers. You can read the full story in Urdu too below this post. Stay in touch with us for latest alerts about current affairs.

Current Affairs – Mystery of Malaysian Plane 

Current Affairs - Mystery of Malaysian Plane

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