Government Decides to Shut down Sub Campuses of Public Universities

Government has decided to shut down the sub campuses of public universities. It has also been decided to facilitate the current students government will shut down these campuses in next semester. Committee of three members has compiled its recommendations and notification will be issued in next couple of days.
According to media reports government had set up a high ranked three members committee to review the policy of establishing sub campuses of Public universities under public private partnership. There were very complaint against these sub campuses of Public universities as these were run on commercial basis and students were unable to afford high fees of these universities. Mehar Jevan a famous educationist, a faculty member of Lums and another educationist were the members of the committee.
It was suggested that for the sake of current students these universities should be declared legal and in future such campuses should not be allowed. Committee took this matter seriously and reviewed all the commercial contracts with private partners. After long consultation committee decided that all such institutes should be closed as these institutes are defaming government and its repute.
Spokesperson of higher education department Punjab said “Government will implement all the recommendations of this committee with letter and spirit as these campuses have become commercial institutes”.
This is a very positive step of government as it is the primary responsibility of government to provide affordable educational facilities to its people. Students from all over the province welcomed this move by the government of Punjab. You can see the detail news in Urdu below this page. Government should also review the fee structure of private colleges and universities as these colleges are also being run on commercial basis. There should be some high level committee to inspect these private colleges and universities. These private colleges and universities should be bound to provide free education to at least 40 percent students.

sub campuses of public universities

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