All About CTD Jobs of Corporal, Facilities, Salary, Duties, Training, Uniform, Posting

What is Corporal in CTD? All You Need To Know About CTD Corporal Jobs in Pakistan Like Pay, BPS, Eligibility Criteria & Difference with ASF Corporal Jobs

Today we are going to share detailed information about CTD jobs of corporal. Corporal is a non-commissioned rank in uniform forces like western military, CTD and ASF. Corporal works under sergeant. In Counter terrorism department Corporal is given 11 scale. He was considered equal to ASI rank, but now in Balochistan CTD Corporals are being given 14 grade and their rank is equal to SI. CTD corporals are given 54500 rupees monthly allowance too other than salary. Its a risk allowance as corporals in CTD perform very sensitive duty. Due to this special allowance all other police officers feel jealousy with CTD corporals. Females can also apply for CTD jobs of corporal in Pakistan. Generally they are assigned office duties and posted in their district.


Eligibility Criteria for CTD Jobs of Corporals

Candidates should have got BA or BSc degree with second division. Result awaiting candidates are not eligible to apply for CTD jobs of corporal. Age of candidates should be between 18 to 25 years. Candidates should physically and mentally be super fit. You must have domicile of your province. Required height for male candidates is 5 feet and 7 inches. Minimum required height for females is 5 feet 2 inches. Chest of male applicants should be 33-34 1/2. Weight of applicants must be as per standard body mass index. Applicants should not be patient of any chronic disease. Your eyesight should be 6/6 with glasses.


All About CTD Jobs of Corporal, Facilities, Salary, Duties, Training, Uniform, Posting


All About CTD Jobs of Corporal, Facilities, Salary, Duties, Training, Uniform, Posting

How to Join Counter Terrorism Department CTD in Pakistan? Tips


Physical Test For CTD Jobs of Corporal
Applicants will have to clear physical test comprising of running, push ups, sit ups and chin ups. Males will have to run 1 mile in 8 minutes, while females will have cover the same distance in 14 minutes. 20 push ups and 20 sit ups are required in 90 seconds. One minute time will be given for 3 chin ups. Females have to perform just 15 sit ups in 90 seconds.



Written Test, Psychological Test & Interview For CTD Jobs of Corporal

Candidates appear in written test after clearing physical test. NTS or public service commission of concerned province conducts the written entry test. Visit GK & MCQs category of study solutions for preparation of your written test. Corporal guides are also available in the market. You may view titles of recommended books on this page. Kindly improve your general knowledge about Pakistan affairs, current affairs, Islam, English, Urdu, Everyday Science, Mathematics and IT for clearing the written test for counter terrorism department. On qualifying written test you will appear in psychological test, then interview and finally in medical examination. In short just mentally and physically super fit candidates can join this prime law enforcement agency of Pakistan. Remember that CTD also plays the role of intelligence agency too, but they focuses only on terrorist networks and their agents.



Training of Corporals in Counter Terrorism Department
Corporals in CTD are given training of 9 months duration. Six months general training is given by army commandos. Turkish forces trained the first batch of ctd corporals. After six months general training special training of 3 months duration is started as per the aptitude and consent of trainee corporals. They may get specialized training in one of these areas;


Posting of CTD Corporals

You may be posted anywhere in your province. At least for 2 years you will have to serve out-station, then there will be chances of posting in your native city. CTD corporals are not allowed to wear uniform due to sensitive nature of their work. They have to hide their identity in public for the same reason. In Punjab training is generally given at elite training center Lahore.


Duties of Counter Terrorism Department Corporals

These heroes of Counter Terrorism Department fight at front line against terrorists. They are posted in their separate police stations. Corporals of intelligence wing gather leads about terrorists and generate threat alerts. They play the role of spy. Corporals of operations wing fight face to face against terrorists. They raid on hideouts of terrorists and their facilitators after getting leads from intelligence wing. Corporals of Investigation wing operate at crime scene of any terrorism activity. No other law enforcement agency can interfere in their crime scene without permission. They also investigate the suspected terrorists and their facilitators for crushing the social evil of terrorism. There are no fixed duty hour of CTD corporals. They can be called any time in case of emergency. CTD corporals work as a team and its their main strength too.


CTD Jobs of Corporals-Facilities & Promotion 
CTD corporals get all the facilities of provincial government servant like house rent, pension gratuity, scholarships for kids, free medical facility, annual increment in salary, marriage grant for kids, occasionally bonuses and house or plot through PGSHF. On clearing the internal exams they are promoted to next rank too. Here is a related link of our portal for you about tips on joining the counter terrorism department in first attempt;


How to Join Counter Terrorism Department CTD in Pakistan? Tips


Difference Between CTD Corporal Jobs & ASF Corporal Jobs
In ASF corporals are given constable rank. They are given grade 7. Corporal driver are also posted in ASF in BPS 5. Eligibility criteria for ASF corporal and corporal driver is matriculation. Upper age limit for both these jobs is 30 years. Five feet 6 inches is required height for male candidates. In short CTD jobs of corporal are much better than ASF corporal jobs. If you could not join Pak army then do try to join counter terrorism department as ctd corporals. You will get maximum job satisfaction in this department. You may serve the country and nation as a front line soldier against terrorism and terrorists. CTD corporal jobs are even also better than SI or SHO jobs of police. Here you don’t need to take bribe due to your handsome salary. You may view 2 detailed videos too on our sister youtube channel SA Vlogs Family related to CTD jobs of corporals. Do visit daily and subscribe our youtube channel too.


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