pu vs Mushtaq Ahmad

Punjab university administration stopped the famous cricketer Mushtaq Ahmad for delivering lectures on Holy Quran. According to media reports former cricketer had arrived in department of mass communication of Punjab university for delivering lecture on Holy Quran yesterday on the invitation of student union of Punjab university. But university authorities did not allow him to to deliver his lecture. Mushtaq Ahmad said that he had come to university just to pursue students to lead their lives according to the teachings of Islam.
Officials of student union of Punjab university condemned this shameful act of university administration. While university authorities said that they has not banned the lectures Holy Quran in the campus but Mushtaq Ahmad should get permission from the authorities of university before delivering lecture on Holy Quran  He violated the rules and regulations of university.
Is this an Islamic country where even a renowned personality needs permission for delivering lectures on Holy Quran. We too strongly condemn this shameful act of Punjab university administration although we need their help occasionally but it is the matter of principles and faith and we can not compromise over it. On one side we say that Pakistan is an Islamic country and on other side we do not allow preaching of Islam in our institutions. What a contradiction is this. Due to such actions of liberal and secular elements, extremism is prevailing in our country. If we want to eliminate fundamentalism and extremism from the society, we must allow such a healthy activities in our educational institutes as Holy Quran preaches peace and harmony.
Mushtaq Ahmad is a famous former spin bowler of Pakistan cricket team. Now he has devoted his life for preaching of Islam. His nick name is mushy. He is die heart a follower of molana Tariq Jameel who is most respectful scholar of Islam in the country. He has changed the lives of millions of Muslims.

pu vs Mushtaq Ahmad

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