Health Benefits of Gardening & Super Tips For Beginners (Urdu-English)

Everything You Need To Know About Gardening, Its Health Benefits & Super Tips
It would not be wrong to say that gardening is an important exercise which is not just physically beneficial but can also bring successful results for the mind as well. This is probably the main reason that the gardening is considered to be an important therapy for all those people who are affected from stress. There have been so many gardening exercises which are introduced in the field of medical. Almost every single doctor has recommended performing gardening as thrice times in a week because it involves the functioning of all muscles of your body.



Total Duration of Gardening
You should be involving yourself in at least 60 minutes of the daily gardening which is equal to running for 5 miles. According to the medical experts performing gardening just for one hour is effective to increase 300 calories in your body. If you are using your hand, then definitely it is involving all the muscles of your arm in the gardening process. Not just the body, but by looking at the nature plants and flowers, it brings a positive effect on your mind.


Results on Mental Stability
It has been clearly explained in the medical sciences that if you want to keep yourself away from the stress and mental depression, then connect yourself with the flowers as much as you can. You should spend your maximum time of the day in the middle of the plants. It is healthy for body and mind relaxation. Some of the people are so much habitual of it that they even add their daily lifestyle with the habit of talking to plants.



Gardening Yelps you to Distract from Stressful Tensions
One of the biggest benefits of gardening is that it will be distracting you from the stressful conditions or any sort of happening that is taking place in your personal or professional life. Hence it will be helpful for you to get yourself completely distracted from the social media gadgets which are completely ruining your mindset.


Best Places for Gardening
You can perform the gardening perfectly in your home lawn. Some of the people even have a separate plot area where they have harvested different flowers and plants. Gardening is not just limited to the plants or flowers, you can even grow vegetables in your home as well.


Gardening as Favorite Hobby of Kids
Not just the adults and old age people, even the kids are so much fond of performing the gardening as a hobby. You should be involving your kid in the gardening activity so they can better learn about the nature and their secrets. It will let your kid to stay active and healthy in the middle of the nature all the time.



So these have been few basic and important facts about gardening which is quite a lot important for living a healthy lifestyle. If you have still not thought about doing gardening, then without wasting any time start performing it now. It is healthy for body and mind relaxation.


Unique Health Benefits of Gardening & Planting
Gardening helps a lot in increasing the level of vitamin D and calcium in your body. Planting helps in decreasing the risk of dementia. It can make your mood pleasant. You may get lot of fresh and pure oxygen during planting. Gardening is too a type of aerobic exercise. It can reduce the sense of loneliness, depression and boredom. Planting reduces the risk of sudden heart attack & stroke. Gardening is also good for your financial health as you may save money by planting vegetables and fruits for personal consumption and commercial purpose. You may avoid Alzheimer’s disease and mental illness by adopting the hobby of planting.



Top Ten Gardening Tips For Beginners
1-First of all select an ideal location and buy basic garden tools, right seeds and transplants.

2-Try to use organic natural fertilizers for your plants.

3-You should grow plants of commercial value too for earning from your hobby.

4-You must focus on quality rather than quantity.

5-Make proper arrangement for drainage and watering the plants.

6-In the first stage grow some easy plants for getting quick good results. It will increase your interest and confidence.

7-Use fertile soil as its the key to success in this field. Prepare the soil well. Use pesticides for protection of your plants.

8-Read maximum about different kinds of plants and the requirements to grow quickly.

9-Make proper arrangements for protection of your plants from diseases, animals and pests.

10-Applying mulch to conserve the moisture and fertility of the soil. It is also helpful for good health of seeds and plants. Now read gardening tips in Urdu language given below this page and stay connected with “study solutions”and its page.


Health Benefits of Gardening & Super Tips For Beginners (Urdu-English)

Health Benefits of Gardening & Super Tips For Beginners (Urdu-English)