Facebook Free Marriage Bureau Service For Bachelors

New Facebook Free Marriage Bureau Service For Bachelors

Now facebook can be helpful for bachelors in finding their life partners. Thousands of people have got married through facebook. But it was still a difficult task for any one to know about the marital status of any person on facebook. If some one liked anybody and wanted to purpose him/her on face book, it was difficult for him/her to know whether he/she is married, divorced or bachelor.

Facebook Free Marriage Bureau Service For BachelorsFacebook Free Marriage Bureau Service For Bachelors

Facebook has resolve this issue of bachelors. Facebook has introduced a new ask button for bachelors. Through this button, you can know about the marital status of any person. You will have to just press ask button on the profile of a person whose marital status, you want to know. Your query will reach the concern person and if he/she will like to reply, you will get your answer. But you will have to clear that why you are curious to know about his/her marital status.Face book users are calling this button as face book marriage bureau button.

Take this thing in mind that a Saudi Muslim scholar has given a fatwa that friendship with opposite sex on face book is Forbidden (Haram) in Islam. About  months ago a Syrian girl was given capital punishment by Syrian rebels for being having male  friends on facebook, so such a activity can take your life too but on the other hand moderate people say that right of choice is a fundamental right of every human being and Islam also grants this right to bachelors irrespective of their gender. Its a controversial issue in our society but we can say it with surety that every right also has some limitations and we must observe them.  Now the choice is yours.  You can read the story in Urdu in the news paper ad cutting on this page. Stay in touch with us for latest technology alerts.


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