How To Manage Anxiety & Depression with Food? Tips in Urdu & English

Control Your Depression & Anxiety with Food-Health Tips in English & Urdu
It is easy and as much simple to manage and handle anxiety and depression as you think! Below we have shared the top foods with you and the best part of these foods is that they will help you in tackling your anxiety problem. You will no longer get sad. Make sure that these foods have to be present in your bag whenever you feel lonely and depressed. Below is the list for you and we have included top four foods for you:

First one great and anxiety handling food we have for you, it is chocolate. It is said by the experts that dark chocolate has a potential to reduce your stress levels and also your anxiety filled life. It is all proved that by consuming 40g of dark chocolate, you will be able to control and decrease your stress levels. It is researched that cocoa improves your mood and it is packed with the rich sources and content of polyphenols and flavonoids. Chocolate comprises mood enhancing kind of neurotransmitters in it. So when you feel and notice sadness or depression in your life, then do eat a piece of dark chocolate.

Then we have this avocado food for you, it is packed with vitamin B6 content and this is the ingredient which eliminate your depressed mood. This vitamin B6 is going to influence your sad and lonely mood. These B vitamins will impact your mood in a positive way and your increase anxiety filled situation will get decreased. So, it will be best if you will start consuming avocados because they are stress relievers for you.

Moving on to the consumption of vegetables for you, they are also one of the top most sources to remove depression and stress, anxiety from your life. Have green leafy vegetables on a daily basis and then you will notice that how great your mood will come out to be!

Talking more about the details as to how to manage anxiety and depression with food, we have turmeric ingredient for you. This is a great source which is going to eliminate those neurotransmitters from your body which bring stress and anxiety. This item removes the stress hormones from your body and also gives protection to your brain so that it can remain tension free and stress free. Always remember that depression and these stressful situations, they are quite common and they are treatable at the same time. If you get affected because of depression, then do include these items as soon as possible in your diet.

We know that none of us wants to get involved into a depressive behavior situation. So as the best recommendation from our side, start eating these foods which include chocolate, avocado, turmeric and vegetables and live a happy and depressed-free live always. You can share with us that which strategy you use and follow if you get stressed and depressed, share your measures with us. Now read diet plan in Urdu languages to control depression.

How To Manage Anxiety & Depression with Food? Tips in Urdu & English

How To Manage Anxiety & Depression with Food? Tips in Urdu & English