Ten in One English Essay on Cable, Internet, Cell Phone, TV, Dish, FB, FM Radio

Ten in One English Essay On Following Subjects/Topics


Note-Its an all in one English essay for students of higher classes like FA, FSc, BA and BSc.

Is the most amazing manifestations of modern inventions. It is a definite source of infinite information, entertainment, education and cultural activities of modern age. It plays a vital role to promote human perception and knowledge. Now the world has become a global village. It is all because of rapid global transmission of data from one area to a remote one. In this rapid transmission of information, is second to none is rapidly becoming essential element of our lives……….. can benefit all young and old, high and low and men and women.


English Essay

Ten in One English Essay on Cable, Internet, Cell Phone, TV, Dish, FB, FM Radio

It plays an important role in connecting us with other parts of the world within no time. The …… linked us with the entire world………has provided us the opportunity to have the latest information of any thing or any incident within no time. It has also become a means to furnish us news about any incident going on in any part of the world. It is a source of pleasure. It brightens and freshens our existence. It brings into our homes color and life to dispel gloomy hours. It lessens the restlessness among the people. It keeps the people perfectly content at home. They do not go out to gamble, to play, to drink or to drive.

The ……… has provided us an rich source of entertainment. The…………has bestowed upon us great choice and opportunity to be entertained. There is no limit to it. It is also an effective source of information. Sitting in our rooms, we can know and learn many important things. It has made us independent of newspapers, magazines and books. We can be informed of all happenings in the world in economic, industrial, educational and political fields.

In fact………… has entered all fields of our life with its rapid means of information and entertainment. Our education, travel, industry and business all depend on it a lot. Its influence on our social, cultural and economic life cannot be set aside by other means of information. Worldwide information and entertainment at one time is not possible by any other scientific discovery,……., has also strengthened our mutual ties. It has given us an opportunity to come closer to one another. Awareness, modern technology and logical thinking are being promoted by it.Our thinking and approach are being changed. Now our minds welcome new kind of thinking with logical approach.

………… is a double edged weapon. It is of great utility but at the same time, it has its harms. Its addiction is harmful in many ways. Firstly, it makes us forgetful about our domestic duties and duties to God. Secondly, it has made our life passive and inactive. It has confined us to home only. People do not like to goon picnics, tours and visits .It has destroyed the social life of the people. Thirdly, it is wastage of time and money. It has discouraged true learning .The students do not attend to their books and leave their studies.

Fourthly, the foreign cultural effects badly affected our new generation……….. has opened the doors to a complex kind of cultural invasion. The roots of our own culture are likely to be eroded. Vulgarism and immoral things are taking firm roots. The morals of our young boys and girls are likely to be ruined. It is very shocking that instrument of virtue has been turned into an instrument of vice. Lastly, the excessive use of………… is likely to affect our nervous and mental system. It leaves a negative influence on our health. It also affects our memory.

………………… has affected our family, social and individual lives equally. Some effects are positive while some are negative. But that is the case with all the things. We cannot save ourselves from the disadvantages and negative effects by giving up the use of………….Because the disadvantages of …….. cannot supersede all its utilities. We cannot save ourselves from the negative effects by putting barriers in the way of technology. In short if used with caution and care, it is an important means of information, entertainment, communication and instruction.

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