Test Your Emotional Intelligence Online-Free EQ Test, EI MCQs

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? Multiple Choice Questions MCQS About EQ/EI
EQ is abbreviation of emotional quotient. Emotional intelligence (EI) is another term which is used as alternative of emotional quotient (EQ). One this page we have given 20 MCQs through which you can check that how emotionally intelligent are you. Our team has developed this EQ test after great research work. You will definitely like this free emotional intelligence online test. We are developing more intelligence, aptitude and psychological tests for you.
Emotional intelligence plays a very vital role in our ultimate success in life. Just higher IQ level is not good enough for your rapid and consistent career growth. You need to be emotionally strong too to tackle any emergency or crisis situation in life. Now read the EQ MCQs and test your emotional intelligence online.

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Self Help Emotional Intelligence MCQS

Q1-In case of sudden fire, in your office what will you do
1-Call Fire Brigade
2-Throw Water on Fire
3-Push The Fire Alarm
4-Try To Leave The Office
Ans.Push The Fire Alarm

Q2-In case of bad annual confidential report against you, what will be your response?
1-I shall accept it.
2-I will protest strongly.
3-I shall file a review appeal against it before my boss.
4-I will go to court against it.
Ans-I shall file a review appeal against it before my boss.

Q3-In case of out of course or difficult paper what will you do?
1-Walk Out
2-Attempt the paper
3-Attempt the paper and then protest against it.
4-Attempt the paper on the basis of common sense then file complaint
Ans-Attempt the paper on the basis of common sense then file complaint

Q4-What will you do first on a crime scene?
1-Try to console the affected persons
2-Inform police
3-Inform nearby people for help
‘4-Follow the criminals
Ans-Inform police

Q5-How do you handle being criticized?
1-I learn from criticism
2-I encourage positive criticism
3-Tit for tat
4-Depends upon my mood and level of criticism
Ans-I learn from criticism

Test Your Emotional Intelligence Online-Free EQ Test, EI MCQs

Test Your Emotional Intelligence Online-Free EQ Test, EI MCQs

Q6-What are your pressure handling techniques?
1-I become puzzle in sudden pressure situation.
2-I remain calm and alert in such a situation.
3-I face such situation with the help of my colleagues.
4-I face such situation pro-actively.
Ans-I remain calm and alert in such a situation.

Q7-How do you tackle with stress?
1-I try relaxation techniques.
2-I take a cup of strong coffee
3-I try to resolve its root cause.
4-I take leave from office and take bed rest.
Ans-I try to resolve its root cause.

Q8-How You will react on sudden audit of your accounts?
1-I remain ready for any such situation.
2-It will be an issue for accounts department.
3-I shall protest on it.
4- I shall cooperate and try to learn from mistakes.
Ans-I shall cooperate and try to learn from mistakes.

Q9-What you will do first in case of sudden break failure in 4th gear?
1-I shall down shit to a lower gear.
2-I shall call emergency services.
3-I shall use hand break first.
4-I shall call other drivers to help.
Ans-I shall down shit to a lower gear.

Q10-What will be your reaction if you become victim of downsizing?
1-I will protest on it.
2-Its part of game, i have confidence on my skills.
3-I shall go into court.
4-I shall serve legal notice to my firm through my attorney.
Ans-Its part of game, i have confidence on my skills.

Q11-Can you overcome your anger easily?
2-Some times
3-Yes, i am not a reactive person.
4-Depend upon situation and mood.
Ans-Yes, i am not a reactive person.

Q12-How you react on different kind of feedback from your customers/clients?
1-Its an issue for marketing and sales department.
2-I take it easy.
3-It depends upon nature of feed back.
4-I welcome all type of feed back & try to improve my services accordingly.
Ans-I welcome all type of feed back & try to improve my services accordingly.

Q13-How do you react on harsh behavior of your immediate boss.
1-I try to remove the cause of his bad behavior.
2-I complain to higher authorities.
3-Its part of game, i don’t care for such things.
4-Tit for tat
Ans-I try to remove the cause of his bad behavior.

Q14-How you will react on abusive language of your life partner?
1-I shall never tolerate such a behavior.
2-I shall try to resolve the issue of his/her anger.
3-I shall ignore him/her.
4-Every action has a reaction equal but opposite in direction
Ans-I shall try to resolve the issue of his/her anger.

Q15-Judge your personality?
4-None of these

Q16-How do you think in crisis situation?
1-Depends upon nature and intensity of crisis situation.
2-I shall consult my family, friends and seniors rather taking any decision alone.
3-I follow the rules of the book.
4-I try to think out of the box.
Ans-I try to think out of the box.

Q17-What kind of person are you emotionally?
1-Stable & sensible
Ans-Stable & sensible

Q18-How bad working conditions disturb you?
1-I can give my 100% in good working conditions.
2-I can work only in AC environment.
3-Nobody can work properly in poor working conditions.
4-I am a adaptive person & focus on my rather than surroundings.
Ans-I am a adaptive person & focus on my rather than surroundings.

Q19-Are you satisfied with your boss?
3-I concentrate more on my work rather than boss.
4-May Be
Ans-I concentrate more on my work rather than boss.

Q20-How you react on challenges in life?
1-I hate such situations
2-I take challenges as a ladder of my progress.
3-Depends upon nature of challenge
4-Depends upon nature of challenge & my mood.
Ans-I take challenges as a ladder of my progress.

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