Dear students Orya Maqbool Jan is one of the best column writers in Pakistan. He writes column in daily Dunya. He is a bureaucrat, journalist as well as a scholar. On this page you can read column of Qrya Maqbool Jan about how to unite Muslim countries like European Union. Its and thought provoking column which will provide you some food for thought. Its my request to all of you to read the entire column and think what we can do for the cause, he has mentioned in his column. The basic point of his column is that religion is the bond that has united the European countries in spite of their countless differences. European countries fought unlimited wars against each other but their scholars highlighted  the common elements among the European countries and after the struggle of 300 years now all the European countries have united. They own their languages, their life style and their heroes then why we Muslims can not become one nation. Muslim countries should introduce common curriculum and syllabus .

We should protect our life style and should own our history, our common heroes, our heritage and our religion. We Muslims have a rich culture, tradition, history and heritage. Whole Muslim Ummah should promote them as these are the symbols of our life style. Religion is the bond which can unite us too if we ignore small differences between us. We should highlight and strengthen this binding force. Common curriculum and syllabus can help us in this regard. Organization of Islamic Conference should play its role for introducing common curriculum and syllabus in all the Muslim countries. Muslim poets, writers, columnists, educationists and scholars should also work for this noble cause. It will take some time but Its not a impossible task, we can achieve this goal easily, if we work consistently in this direction. Muslim Union or United State of Muslim can become a reality if we chose the right direction for our struggle. Keep visiting our website and face book page for best collection of  Urdu columns of Orya Maqbool Jan and other writers.



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