How to Make Money on Youtube? Top Ten Tips For Beginners

How to Earn Money Online on Youtube? Top Ten Super Tips & Tricks For Beginners
Youtube is the best and most popular video sharing website of the world. You may easily earn money online through youtube. You just need to upload unique videos on youtube for making money online. Lot of people from all over the world using this platform for making money online. Making a video has become very easy task now a days. Camtisia video studio is best tool for this purpose. One can master its use in just one day. If you want to use video as an medium to express your hidden talent then yout ube is best platform which will not only give you exposure but also help you in making money by expressing your thoughts and ideas.

How to Make Money on Youtube? Top Ten Tips For Beginners

How to Make Money on Youtube? Top Ten Tips For Beginners


Video bloggers, journalist, singers, creative people, artist and students of mass communication must use this platform.
Anyone can upload a video on youtube. All Internet users can watch youtube videos without paying any fee or registration. So its a free platform for all. was launched in 2005. Google bought this website in 2006. Youtube will publish ads on your videos and share the revenue of ads with you.
You may earn money online through youtube with these methods
1-Youtube Partnership Program
2-Adsense Hosting Account
3-Utube Video Marketing

Youtube Partnership Program
In this program you will be given part of income earn through your videos. You will have to follow certain rules and regulations for joining the youtube partnership program. If your videos are impressive and larger number of people are liking them then you can join youtube partnership program. You may earn handsome amount of money through youtube partnership program. But remember that your videos should be of good quality and interesting, so that maximum people may subscribe your channel.

Adsense Hosting Account
You may also earn money through youtube with your adsense account. You may apply for adsense hosting account for your videos on this awesome website. If you already have an adsene account then you may use it too on youtube. Google will take just 32% of its ads revenue and give you remaining 68%. Its quite easy to get Google adsense account in Pakistan. We have written some guiding articles too in this regard.

If you are above 18 years of age then you may also start your own youtube channel. You may start your own youtube channel with the help of just one gmail’s email account. There are lot of benefits of establishing a youtube channel like it is 100% free, latest videos are indexed automatically in search engines, you may earn money online and its easy to make your channel popular.

You Tube Video Marketing
Those who have interest in affiliate marketing can earn money online by promoting different products of Amazon and clickbank through their utube videos. You may also sell your services on utube. In short its a platform for creative minded persons who can use it for making money online  through different methods. We have written following detailed article on earning money through video marketing on utube.

Make Money on Youtube Through Promoting Click Bank Products

You may upload unlimited number of videos on you tube, but you will have to follow the rules of you tube community. Porn, copy righted and illegals videos can not be uploaded. Your focus should be on publishing videos of general interest. You may take the help of Google Adwards Keyword Planner in this regard. Make a video only on popular topic.

Top Ten Golden Tips About How to Make Money on Youtube
1-Picture and voice quality of your video should be extraordinary. Now a days HD quality videos are more popular.

2-Video should be short but impressive as now a days people have very limited spare time for enjoyment. Maximum recommended length of the video is 30 minutes. This formula is not applicable on technical

3-Spend more time on selection of topic.

4-Proper research is the key to success.

5-After uploading the video spend at least double time on its marketing through social media sites, email marketing and blogs. 6-You may also give facebook ads for this purpose.

7-Your income on youtube depends on traffic which your video get, so your emphasis should be on promotion of your channel. 8-You will earn money by clicks on the ads and through number of views.

9-Learn youtube through you tube or our website and try to launch a video blog too.

10-Share your videos on other video sharing websites too for increasing your incomes. These sites also provide you opportunities to earn money online like dailymotion.

Last but not least try to learn the art of making many videos form one video. We shall soon write a detailed article on this topic. Stay connected with and its facebook page for more guidance about how to make money on youtube.

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