How to Increase IQ Level? 20 Super Tips

Self Help-How to Increase IQ Level? Twenty Golden Tips

Its a Myth that IQ level can not be improved. You can do any thing which you want, but you will have to pay the price for it. For increasing your IQ level you will have to pay the price of concentration and hard work. Today we shall discuss some super tips about how to increase IQ level.

How to Increase IQ Level? 20 Super Tips

How to Increase IQ Level? 20 Super Tips

1-Read maximum books on IQ questions. You should first read the IQ books in Urdu language (or which ever is your mother tongue), so that you may be able understand the structure and composition of IQ questions in your mother tongue. Remember that we learn best in our mother tongue. Then start reading IQ test questions in English too.

2-Visit on line websites which publish IQ questions and provide the visitors to check their IQ level on line. We have also launched a such website.

3-Play IQ test games regularly. Such games are also available on INTERNET which you can play on-line.

4-Learn the difference between IQ and EQ as EQ level some times plays more vital role in your success.

5-You must give the IQ test in winning state of mind as a confused person can not give his 100% in any test.

6-Eat balanced diet. Use fresh and natural food. Honey, almonds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, milk, olive oil, can improve your IQ level.

7-Take exercise regularly early in the morning. Muslim students should say their prayers five times a day and keep fast in the holy month of Ramadan.

8-Some experts suggest that meditation can also improve the IQ level of a person.

9-Play brain games, solve puzzles and study books on logic.

10-Take part in maximum out door and indoor curricular activities.

11-Give auto suggestions to your subconscious mind that your IQ level is improving day by day. Remember that our subconscious mind is just like a baby and it learn what you try to teach it seriously. You will just have to program it by giving self suggestions with full confidence on what you are saying. Visualize daily that you are winning IQ and intelligence tests. It will turn your visualization into a reality.

12-Its a misconception that IQ remain static through out the life. Those who believe on this myth can never improve their IQ level, so first you will have to remove this misconception from your mind.

13-Remember that sky is the limit for every human being in this world and we just need to recognize and admit our self worth.

14-Try to improve your creative writing ability as it will indirectly improve your IQ level.

15-Learn to think out of the box. It is called creative thinking which is very closely associated with your intelligence.

16-Always accept the challenges in the life as challenges improve our vision. Situation handling charges our dormant cells of mind. Take part in quiz, IQ speech and sports competitions.

17-Logic/strategy and video games have their own role in this regard.

18-Take the practice tests as fun and game as you may succeed only in the field of your interest. You will have to change your choice of reading books and playing games.

19-Be ready to take risks in life. As i have explained earlier that majority of our brain cells are in dormant position. Risks and challenges can make them active. Its a time tested technique.

20-Never copy others in any field of life and always try to do unique and new things. Never take food supplements and try to learn some thing new daily. Thirst for originality, creativity and learning will brighten your mind.

Stay connected with the best educational website under the sky for reading more articles on how to increase IQ level. We also publish IQ test questions on our facebook page so like and visit it too.